Monday, February 1, 2010

Joe Sierra: Update 3

-----Original Message-----
From: Joe Sierra <>
Sent: Monday, February 01, 2010 10:06 PM
To: Joe Sierra <>
Subject: Update

Dear friends & family:
 I'm writing this as an update on my ann. testing which happen last Monday & Wenesday.
 On Wenesday as part of my testing Dr. Mullens had schedule an angiography, in which they found several blocked arteries, I had 2 arteries that were 90% blocked, So they used angioplasty (using a tiny ballon to widen the artery) and placed a stent (inserting a wire devise into the artery to hold it open) I also have an artery in the back of the heart that is 50-60% block. Dr. Mullens said I now have Cornary Artery Disease. Dr . Mullens said if I take more control of my Diabetes, quit smokingand lose about 50 pound, but Dr. Mullens also suggest a second heart transplant which has a 50% surival rate at best. So I'm between a rock and a hard place. If u have any question write back.


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